Perl is a very popular language, which is used to create various web applications and CGI scripts. A number of programmers consider it to be one of the most effective programming languages nowadays as it supports the use of modules - small bits of program code with pre-defined subroutines which are employed to execute a specific task. The modules can save you time and effort and they will contribute to the fast loading speed of your websites since you will be able to include just a single line of program code to call a specific module instead of using all the code for the task in your script. Perl is a versatile programming language normally used for scripts, but it's been used to generate a number of popular pieces of web software as well, like cPanel, BugZilla and Movable Type. It is also employed on high-traffic websites for instance IMDB, Craigslist, Ticketmaster and many others.
Perl Scripting in Shared Website Hosting
Provided you obtain a shared website hosting plan through our company, you can run Perl/CGI scripts without any problems as we have a lot of modules installed on the cloud platform where the shared accounts are created. With each plan, you will have access to over 3000 modules that you'll be able to employ in your scripts and you can find the entire list inside your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel as well as the path that you should use to gain access to them. Should you use any kind of script that you have downloaded from some third-party site, you can rest assured that it'll function perfectly no matter what modules it requires for that. Every .pl script can be executed manually or you can set up a cron job to do this automatically at a given time interval. If your web hosting package does not come with cron jobs, you are able to add this option with just a few clicks within the Upgrades area of the Control Panel.
Perl Scripting in Semi-dedicated Servers
You are able to take advantage of any kind of Perl-based application, including CGI scripts, with all the semi-dedicated hosting plans that we provide as Perl is supported on all of our servers. You will be able to make every .pl file executable by setting the proper UNIX permissions for it from your Hepsia Control Panel or through any FTP client and based on the actual script, it can be executed manually as a result of some action your client performs on the site, or automatically through a cron job that you can create in your account. Provided you choose to employ a script which you have found online and it requires certain modules to to be available on your server, you are able to benefit from our vast library which features over 3000 modules. Thus, you can be sure that any kind of Perl application that you generate or find on the web will function perfectly on our end.