Node.js is a leading-edge, event-driven non-blocking I/O system intended for websites which offer interactive communication. A few instances of such sites are online browser video game portals, online chat rooms or accommodation reservation portals. The platform handles the info transmitted between the site and its users in little bits, which accelerates the load speed and the performance of the website noticeably. When a certain form with three boxes has to be filled out by a particular user, for instance, ordinarily all three boxes should be filled out and their entire content is then sent as one sizeable chunk of information to the web server. With Node.js, the content in the first box is processed once it is entered, before the user writes anything in the second one. Therefore, much more info can be processed a lot faster and more efficiently in contrast with any conventional platform, which can exert a significant effect on the performance of the site. Node.js is already being employed by some of the largest IT corporations like Microsoft and Yahoo.
Node.js in Shared Website Hosting
When you host a web application on our cutting-edge cloud hosting platform and you would like to try Node.js, you will be able to add it to your hosting account irrespective of the shared website hosting plan that you are using. You can make this from the Upgrades menu in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you will be able to take advantage of Node.js in no more than several minutes after you add this feature to the account. You’ll be able to choose how many instances you’d like to add to the account – one instance means one application using Node.js. In the new section that will show up in the Control Panel, you can insert the path to the .js file in your hosting account and select whether that file will be accessible via the server’s shared IP or via a dedicated IP. Our platform will also select a port for the connection. You’ll be able to turn off or to restart each instance independently, in case it is required.
Node.js in Semi-dedicated Servers
You’ll be able to use Node.js for any real-time script-powered application running in a semi-dedicated server account, as the platform comes with all our semi-dedicated server hosting packages and you can activate it with just a couple of clicks. If you would like to use it for several websites, you can get more instances from the Upgrades section of your Hepsia Control Panel. The setup is as easy as adding the location of your .js file and selecting if Node.js should use a dedicated IP address or any of the server’s shared IP addresses, so you can take full advantage of Node.js even if you have no previous experience with such a software platform. Our system will also assign a randomly generated port that will be used to access the .js file for the particular application. Hepsia has a user-friendly graphical interface that will allow you to restart and to remove any of your active instances, to create new ones or to view the output of your applications with just one single click.
Node.js in VPS Servers
Node.js is included as standard with each and every VPS server that comes with the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and involves no restrictions regarding the number of Internet sites that can use it at any particular time. This makes our VPS plans an ideal choice for setting up multiple real-time script-driven web apps and for taking full advantage of them. Hepsia is intuitive enough even for people without any prior experience, so if you’d like to enable Node.js for any application, it will not take more than a few clicks to do it. You’ll just have to include the location of the .js file in question and to select whether Node.js will use the physical server’s shared IP or a dedicated IP. Our system will also select a particular port number that will be used to access the .js file. After that, you’ll be all set and will be able to use the full potential of your real-time apps. The Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to see the output of the applications and to restart or to stop any of your instances using fast-access controls.
Node.js in Dedicated Servers
When you decide to purchase one of our dedicated web hosting plans for your script-driven web applications and if you pick the Hepsia Control Panel during the order process, you’ll be able to make use of Node.js at no additional cost, since the event-driven platform is integrated into our custom-developed Control Panel tool. Since our servers are amazingly powerful, you will enjoy excellent performance even if you make use of multiple Node.js instances at the same time. The setup requires a few clicks and Hepsia’s interface will make it exceptionally easy for you to set up a new instance even if you’ve got little or no previous experience. Indicating the .js file path and choosing a dedicated or a shared IP address will be everything that you will have to do on your end and once our system has designated a port number to access the .js file, you will be all set. Any of the Node.js instances that you’ve created can be rebooted or removed independently and you’ll be provided with access to a comprehensive output log for each app that uses the Node.js platform.